Thanks for visiting NEW FiTness! The Nutrition, Exercise, and Well-being Facing It Together program for pregnant women planning childbirth at Inova. Our program was designed to provide information and activities to improve your overall wellness and pregnancy outcomes. Please visit each page and peruse the videos, PDF documents and resource links to discover safe exercise options, nutritional advice and ways to keep your stress in check.
Our talented team creating this program includes women’s wellness experts with credentials in the following disciplines:
- Childbirth education
- Exercise physiology
- Health and wellness coaching
- Nutrition
- Obstetrics and gynecology
- Pelvic floor therapy
- Prenatal and postnatal fitness
- Public health
Our program is a work in progress with new features and activities to be added as we go. We hope you will enjoy your time with NEW FiTness and come back often to repeat exercises you enjoy or discover new options.