The IMVH nursing team works in partnership with colleagues across the organization to advocate for high-quality patient outcomes. Nurses at all levels participate in, and lead, interprofessional teams focused on improving patient care and safety. Nurses lead the interprofessional Stroke Committee, MSET Team and Sepsis Team.
In 2020, IMVH continued to be a leader both regionally and nationally in providing world-class sepsis care. For the fourth year in a row, our hospital had the highest compliance among Inova hospitals with the SEP-1 core measure. At the end of 2020, reported that we had achieved 90% on SEP-1, well above the Virginia average of 54% and national average of 60%. Despite the challenges of 2020, IMVH maintained better-than-expected sepsis mortality rates, even when compared to similarly sized Magnet hospitals across the nation. In 2020, our Emergency Department team reduced the time it takes for severe sepsis and septic shock patients to receive antibiotics by 15%. Nurses, working alongside providers and team members from multiple disciplines, have led the way with these lifesaving initiatives. IMVH officially received its two-year Joint Commission recertification as a Primary Stroke Center and was redesignated as a Center of Excellence for hip/knee surgery.
Nurses are acutely aware of their unit-based quality data and review strategies geared toward improvement at their council meetings. We consistently outperform benchmarks on nursing-sensitive indicators including falls with injury, HAPIs, CAUTIs, and CLABSIs, and have active plans in place to sustain our excellent outcomes. This performance is indicative of front-line nurses’ commitment to evidence-based practice and exemplary professional practice.
In the 2020 National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators RN satisfaction survey, IMVH nurses exceeded benchmark in the Magnet domains of adequate staffing, manager/leader, foundations for quality care, participation in hospital affairs, autonomy, professional development opportunities and interprofessional relationships.